Time and time again,there have been various predictions of the "fateful" date as to when the world will come to an end.Though the majority of the world follows the Gregorian Calendar,of late, attention has suddenly shifted to the Mayan Calendar. With the Mayan calendar supposedly "running out" on Dec. 21, 2012,a lot of doomsday theories,prophecies,numerological and astronomical constructions are springing up.
Some Hindu astrologers are predicting that Kali Yuga's end coincides with the end of Mayan calendar(i.e Dec 21st 2012) and the world would suffer a fiery end where all evil will perish.And then the world will enter the Satya Yuga or Golden Age!
Planet X or Nibiru,is beleived to be heading towards our solar system which will co-incidently collide on the D-Day-21st December 2012.
A strong solar maximum due to distortment in the sun's magnetic field is expected to occur around 2012 and geomagnetic reversal could be triggered by a massive solar flare thus causing a physical pole shift and lead to subsequent displacement of the Earth's crust,thereby causing massive earthquakes, volcanoes, tidal waves and the melting of the polar ice caps
The galactic allignment in December 2012 is beleived to cause a supermassive Black Hole at the center of our galaxy,creating havoc on Earth.
Predictions have also been made based Nostradamus' prophecies.The third antichrist and occurence of Third World War being the prime focus!
How viable are these interpretations of mythology,amateur archaeoastronomy and alleged prophecies by a few eclectic authors?All this can be an elaborate hoax.Doomsday predictions are mere products of ego or ignorance.I am sure the Mayan-speaking communities in the drought-stricken Yucatan peninsula have bigger worries than 2012.
Tornados, tsunamis,earthquakes,hurricanes and floods probably existed even before the evolution of mankind. These natural disasters are a consequence of geographical changes in the Earth's crust and surrounding atmosphere."The Pacific Ring of Fire" area is home to 80-90% of world's earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occurring as a result of plate tectonics.It is indeed the most unfortunate region,with Philippines and Indonesia being affected the most.U.S is frequented by strong tornadoes and tropical cyclones but precautionary measures such as the construction of storm cellars,installation of sirens,evacuation plans and media weather coverage are high.Structural and Non-structural Mitigation are taken to limit the impact of disasters.Furthermore the response,recovery and reconstruction capacity exceeds the disaster
itself(read"only in First world countries")
Whereas these natural disasters becomes a national event and interacts with human activities in third world countries with its brimming population.Human vulnerability, caused by the lack of planning or lack of appropriate emergency management, leads to financial, structural, and colossal human losses:(
Global warming.The ever increasing population makes urbanization inevitable.At what cost?Deforestation,commercial and residential constructions,biggerpower plants,increased traffic..the list is endless but the carbon footprint we leave will no doubt increase the concentrations of greenhouse gases.Hence the climatic changes,melting of ice caps @poles and rise in sea levels.
New developments in the life sciences and nanotechnology could inflict irrevocable harm.Nuclear weapons will always pose a threat to humanity.Climate-changing technologies and similar technological innovations could pose a bigger threat to Global warming..Infact the disasters created by human influence might cause more planetary catastrophe in analogy to the predicted prophecies.And as if mankind didn't have enough ways to be eliminated,terrorism has invaded far and wide in the name of race and religion.Man in a way, is Mankind's biggest Enemy!
The fact is that there is ALWAYS a person,a book or documentaries claiming that the world is coming to an end.Infact even the upcoming movie"2012" concerns the world coming to an end due to pole shifting.Scientists say that, at best, the poles might change location by one degree over a million years, with no sign that it would start in 2012.Throughout history, every single person who bought into a prediction of the end of the world was made a total fool of.
Life is not about Contemplations and Predictions but living every moment.
Stop Regretting yesterday or Researching tommorrow,rather Relish today....